Dr. Gentian Huti

Dr. Gentian Huti


1991-1995 Shkolla e mesme ‘’28 Nentori’ Shkoder

1995-2001 Fakulteti i mjeksise Universiteti i Tiranes . Titull Mjek i pergjithshem (Numri i diplomes 10190 )

2001-2003 Mjek I pergjithshem ne komunen Oblike Shkoder

2003-2007 Specializim Anestezie dhe Reanimacioni(departamentamenti I anestezise dhe kujdesit intensive). Titull mjek anestezist dhe reanimator (diploma nr. 2526)

15 maj 2013 Trajnim per trakeostomine perkutane nen endoskopi ne Ninewells Hospital And medical School Dundee Skoci

Eksperienca profesionale

2003-2007 Rezident Anestezi dhe kujdes intensiv ( departamentamenti I anestezise dhe kujdesit Intensive).Qendra Universitare Spitali Nene Tereza Tirane.

2007-2010 Mjek anestezist dhe reanimator prane sherbimit te neurokirurgjise te Qendres spitalore Un

Universitare Nene Tereza Tirane.

2010-2011 Mjek anestezist dhe renimator ne Spitalin Hygeia Tirane.

Nga maji 2011- 2016 Mjek anestezist dhe reanimator ne Spitalin Amerikan Tirane

2011-2016 Shef I departamentit “Anestezi-Kujdes Intensiv-Emergjence” te Spitalit Amerikan Tirane

21 Nentor 2016 – 31 gusht 2017. Assistentarzt ne Departamentin e Anestezise dhe Kujdesit intensiv prane Karlsburg Klinikum Gjermani.


1-Total parenteral nutrition in Malabsorbim Syndrome. Albanian Anesthesie and intensive care Conference 2006,Tirane,Albania

2-Tetanosis treatement and the value of early tracheostomy in ICU Albanian Anesthesie and intensive care Conference 2008,Tirane,Albania

3.The efficacity of laringeal masks in short period ventilation for difficult intubation. Albanian Anesthesie and intensive care Conference 2010,Tirane,Albania

4.The preoperatore embolic complication of sitting position in neurosurgery anesthesia . Albanian Anesthesie and intensive care Conference 201`0,Tirane,Albania

5.The leucocitosis and early limphopenia after subaraknoidal hemorrages and the incidence of subsequent cerebral arterie vasospasem.

6.The chirurgical treatment of periferic nerve of leg after firearm damage.Albanian Medico-Chirurgical Conference 2009

7. Spinal Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in a 75 Years Old Patient with Congestive

Heart Failure NYHA III: a case report. Volume I Issue 6 2014,Journal of anesthesia & Critical Care Open Access.

Case presentation in Neurologie,Loco-regional anesthesia and Pain Therapy,CEEA,18-20/04/2013 Tirane ,Albania

8.Septic Shock of pseudomaonas paucimobilis in a diabetic patient : a case report

9.Evaluation of Procalcitonin in Adult Patients with Fever. International Jounal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online)2319-7064. Volume 3 Issue 12 December 2014

and Critical Care 2012,Volume 16,Suppl.3

10.Regional Anesthesia Alone as an alternative to general Anesthesia For Abdominal Surgery in Selected High-Risk Patients. The Albanian National Surgical Conference 31/10/2014-01/11/2014

11. On-pump mitral valve replacement in a conscious patient using High thoracic Epidural anesthesia as a sole anesthetic technique Abstract,E-poster Presentation number 7AP14-7

Euroanesthesia 2015 Berlin Germany and Case Presentation in Albanian Anesthesie and intensive care Conference 2014,Tirane Albania.

12.Patient Monitoring in Critical Care Setting via Vital Signs..Presentation,International Medical congress in Albania 2015

13.Off-pump CABG-Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations. Presentation,International Medical congress in Albania 2015

14 From Pre-Existing Renal Failure to Perioperative Renal Protection: The Anesthesiologist’s Dilemmas’Anesth Pain Med. 2016 I. Press(In Press): e32386 doi: 10.5812/aapm.32386

Published online 2016 January 11.

15. High thoracic epidural anesthesia (HTEA) in cardiac surgery as a sole anesthetic . technique: seriesof 8 interventions. POSTER SESSION EACTA 31 th


1.Refreshes Courses in Anesthesiology organized from CEEA 2012,Tirane,Albania

2.Refreshes Courses in Anesthesiology organized from CEEA 2013 Tirane,Albania

3.The European Anaesthesiology Congress ,Euroanesthesia 2012

4.The European Anaesthesiology Congress ,Euroanesthesia 2013

5.The European Anaesthesiology Congress ,Euroanesthesia 2015

6.Member of Scientific Committee and Chairperson in the session “Orthopedics & Emergency Care & Intensive Care, International Medical Congreess in Albania IMCA 24/04/2015-25/04/2015.

7.Co-chairs in the session “07AP14 Heart Valve Surgery,Thoracic Aorta surgery”,Euroanestheisa 2015 Berlin Germany.

8.The Annual Congress 2016 EACTA

Anetaresime ne Shoqata

1.European Society of Anesthesiology ,ESA 2015-2016

2.European Society of Intensive Care Medicine,ESICM 2015

3.European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologist,EACTA 2016

4.Albanian Society of Anasthesiologist and Intensive Care,ASAI

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