Emergency service 24h
The American Hospital emergency service is one of the strongest patient management links in the structure. Equipped with the proper capacity to handle every kind of emergency, ranging from the routine cases to the major cases of multiple trauma or accidents, this service can admit 700 emergencies on a monthly basis in its two 24-hour units in Lapraka and Rruga e Dibrës, Tirana.
In cooperation with the intensive care service, the hemodynamic room, surgery rooms, the maternity, laboratory, the advanced imagery which are at a 24-hour service and due to the highest dedication of the staff of doctors and nurses, the American Hospital emergency units have become the doors where many citizens, not only from the capital, come to knock for health emergencies. The emergency service constitutes an essential link in the work of the American Hospital, as it is the only cardiovascular emergency unit in the country which treats patients with acute cases of myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysms, etc, by transporting these cases by ambulance or helicopter in a very short time and provides coronary angiography, stent or surgery interventions, where required. Medical home care is a novelty provided by this centre for all those patients who require it, but in particular for cases of dialysis, oncologic cases, post-surgery, for third-age people, patients with severe chronic diseases, etc.
Trauma Center
The emergency of the hospital with intensive care unit and surgical team are an essential link in trauma management.
The three emergency of American Hospital are equipped respectively Tirana 1 CT scan and MR (magnetic resonance), Tirana 2 CT scan and Tirana 3 CT scan and MR (magnetic resonance).
Stroke Center
Approximately 30 – 40 cases of cerebrovascular accidents come in the environment of American Hospital every month, to which is given the opportunity to be treated in different surgical ways, through the invasive imaging, or through the stenting of the cerebral arteries or their sclerotization.
Cardiovascular Center
This is one of the most successful centers of American Hospital, with a record number of cases diagnosed and treated successfully.
The emergency and the staff have an essentially role to respond quickly this emergency situations.
The hemodynamic laboratory is closely related to the emergency, intensive care and to the cardiovascular operations rooms.
This center treats the accidents through cardiac stench or open surgery, also the surgical treatments with invasive imaging of the vascular accidents like dissection aortic (aortic cleavage), thrombosis of peripheral arteries, pulmonary thromboembolism etc, are treated in cardiovascular center.
Pediatric Center
This center is situated in American Hospital 2 and AH 3. The emergency in pediatric center is managed from the pediatricians, neonatologist with the support of two respective intensive care and a very committed medical staff for these delicate categories of patients.
The emergency of American Hospital is a story of success of this great medical institution.
The emergency staff has a maximal engagement every moment in 24 hours, to support every emergency, all the time.
This department is the first “door” of every patient.
American Hospital will offer in the future a medical service even more specialized in this sector, thank to ongoing training from German physicians.
In this way the physicians of American Hospital will offer a specialized medical service on the management of cardiac emergencies, respiratory emergencies and a professionalized care for accident traumas.
The emergency of American Hospital in cooperation with other medical services like intensive care, hemodynamic room, the laboratories and the advanced imaging offers a professional and effective medical service 24 hours, seven days a week.