● Diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases
● Diagnosis and treatment of nose diseases
● Diagnosis and treatment of vertigo
● Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea
● Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders
● Diagnosis and treatment of the head and neck tumours
● Children’s Otorhinolaryngology
All the work carried out at the ORL service thanks to the application of an upgraded technology is based on the high ethical, medical and academic standards. Those patients who require ORL assistance are provided with polyclinic and hospitalization services. The microscopy and the technology of endovisual systems are widely used in the examination of the polyclinic patients.
Treatment and rehabilitation of the patients suffering from hearing reduction or loss is made with the support of a modern audiology department. The repair of the earl laceration, replacement of the earbones with prosthesis and all the other ear surgery procedures, including the most important achievement of the last years, the cochlear implant, are routine procedures carried out by the ORL medical staff at the American Hospital.
This service makes use of video electronystagmography We diagnose and treat with success
many problems linked to nose respiratory functions, which have a significant adverse impact on the life quality and cause discomfort to the patient, by using endoscopic and microscopic methods. The sleep laboratory offers the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, snoring and sleep apnea. Such diseases are treated by positive pressure devices, radiofrequency interventions in the nose, soft palate and tongue root and other surgical procedures.
This team makes also surgical interventions by the use of modern techniques for the head and neck tumours, as well as surgery procedures related to the cosmetic reconstructions and functional losses linked with the surgery on
such tumours. and the caloric test to assess the condition of the patients who suffer from dizziness/vertigo, as well as endoscopic methods for the vocal cord examination among the patients with voice disorders.
We diagnose and treat with success many problems linked to nose respiratory functions, which have a significant adverse impact on the life quality and cause discomfort to the patient, by using endoscopic and microscopic methods.
The sleep laboratory offers the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, snoring and sleep apnea. Such diseases are treated by positive pressure devices, radiofrequency interventions in the nose, soft palate and tongue root and other surgical procedures.
This team makes also surgical interventions by the use of modern techniques for the head and neck tumours, as well as surgery procedures related to the cosmetic reconstructions and functional
losses linked with the surgery onsuch tumours.