Laboratory Services
- Routine tests
- Biochemical tests
- Hematologic tests
- Hormonal tests
- Immunological tests
- Viral tests
- Microbiological tests
- Allergy tests
- Drug dosage
- Electrophoresis
- Coagulation tests
- Urine tests
- Toxicological testing
- Specific tests of various pathologies
- Metabolic panel and electrolytes
- Specific biochemical tests
- Specific proteins
- Lipoproteins and phospholipids
- Detailed coagulation tests
- Laboratory haematology
- Laboratory tests in urine
- Laboratory tests in the feces
- Laboratory tests of the cerebrospinal fluid
- Laboratory tests of the articular fluid
- Tumoral markers
- Immunopathology laboratory tests
- Electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis
- Dosage of hepatitis antigens and antibodies
- Tests of viral pathologies and other infectious agents
- Laboratory tests according to the pathologies and medical procedures
- Specific IgE and food intolerance
- Check up by age and sex
- Pathological tests
- Prenatal genetics and molecular biology
The Department of the clinical-biochemical, microbiological and pathologic Laboratory undertakes to successfully provide outpatient lab support for the prevention and diagnosis of various pathologies and for the application of pre-coronarography protocols for cardiac patients, prechemotherapy for oncologic patients, pre and post-operative tracking of cardiac surgery patients, patients of general surgery, orthopaedic surgery and all types of surgery.
Being a centre of reference for many important surgery procedures, the American Hospital has dedicated particular focus to the immunohistopathology laboratory, which has been trusted to a selected staff. In this way, the accurate diagnostics and therapy are strongly sustained not only by the conventional biopsy, but also by the most advanced frozen method, which allow us to apply conservative surgery at best.
The American Hospital Laboratory undertakes with success detailed genetic, clinical and biochemical examinations of pre-transplant patients and the frequent laboratory monitoring of immunosuppressants among these patients in the post-transplant stage.