Dr. Sc. Jolanda Nikolla

Dr. Sc. Jolanda Nikolla


October 2021 – Present

Full-time Lecturer at Aldent University, Department of Dental Medicine, Internal Medicine

Part-time Lecturer at the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences, Department of Clinical Medicine

Since June 2016 – Present

Pulmonologist, MD at the Department of Internal Medicine, Subdivision Pulmonology, American Hospital, Tirana

2012 – May 2016

Pulmonologist, MD at the Department of Internal Medicine, Subdivision Pulmonology, Hygeia Hospital, Tirana, Albania

2010 – 2012

Pulmonologist, MD at the University Hospital of Lung Diseases “Shefqet Ndroqi,” Tirana, Albania

Part of the Pulmonary Functional Tests (PFT) Laboratory, University Hospital of Lung Diseases “Shefqet Ndroqi,” Tirana, Albania

Coordinator of the Projects Sector, University Hospital of Lung Diseases “Shefqet Ndroqi,” Tirana, Albania

May 2009 – 2010

Volunteer Pulmonologist at the University Hospital of Lung Diseases “Shefqet Ndroqi,” Tirana, Albania

May 2005 – April 2009

Residency in Pneumology at University Hospital of Lung Diseases “Sh. Ndroqi,” Tirana, Albania

September 2003 – March 2005

General Physician in the Emergency Unit, The Hospital Service Directory, “Perparim Tepelena” Hospital, Tepelena, Albania


January 2024: Updates in Pulmonology – OMI Seminars of American Austrian Foundation (AAF), Salzburg, Austria

March 2023: EBUS Training, Part Two, Heidelberg, Germany

November 2022: EBUS Training, Part One, Athens, Greece

June 2022: Modules in Bronchoscopy: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Course, Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands

February 2021: Ph.D. Thesis: “Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome (CPFE). The Importance of its Early Diagnosis and Differentiation from Idiopathic Pulmonary Emphysema (IPF),”

University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Subdivision Pulmonology

October 2017: “Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS): A Complication of Diabetes and Obesity,” EASD Seminar, Prague, Czech Republic

November 2016: “Updates in Paediatric Pulmonology,” OMI Seminars of American Austrian Foundation (AAF), Salzburg, Austria

2012 – 2013: “The Prevalence of COPD in Albania,” International Project of Burden of Lung Diseases Initiative (BOLD Study)

June 2012: “Updates in Pulmonology,” HERMMES Summer School, European Respiratory Society (ERS), Barcelona, Spain

March 2012: “Training in the Laboratory of Pulmonary Functional Tests (Performing and Interpretation of Plethysmography, DLCO, and Spirometry Tests),” Cerrahpasa University Hospital, Istanbul Medical School, Turkey

March 2011: “Spirometry,” BOLD Training, London, United Kingdom

2005 – 2009: Medical Doctor (MD) – Pulmonologist

1997 – 2003: Medical Degree, University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine

1993 – 1997: High School Diploma, “Abaz Shehu,” Tepelena, Albania


1. Occupational exposure and COPD. (Co-author).. World day of COPD .”Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS), November 2009. Tirana, Albania.

2. The physiology and the anatomy of respiratory tract .(Co-author). October 2010 World day of Spirometry. “Pulmonary lung function”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS), Tirana, Albania

3. Clinical probabilities of pulmonary embolism (PE). (Co-author). May 2010. “Pulmonary embolism”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS). Tirana, Albania

4. Tactics of treatment of pulmonary embolism. (Co-author). May 2010. “Pulmonary embolism”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS). Tirana, Albania

5. The similarities and differences between bronchial asthma and COPD. (First author). November 2010. “The year of the lung”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS). Tirana, Albania

6. Pre operator FEV1, a good indicator for the assessment of pulmonary function after thoracic surgery, 2008-2009, in Albania. Original study- Co-author. September 2010.Europian Respiratory Society Congress, Barcelona – SPAIN.

7. Treatment of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) for patients requiring hospitalization. Co-author. May 2011. “Treatment of low respiratory tract infections”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS). Tirana, Albania

8. Risk factors and prevention of hospital acquired pneumonia, (HAP). Co-author. May 2011. “Treatment of low respiratory tract infections”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS). Tirana, Albania

9. Non-resolving pneumonia. First author. May 2011. “Treatment of low respiratory tract infections”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS).

10. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica – a Pulmonary Orphan Disease. Original study – Co-author. European Journal of Internal Medicine 22 (1) , October 2011 DOI: 10.1016/S0953-6205(11)60269-0

11. Surgical treatment in patients with lung cancer. Original study – Co-author. June 2011. (International Journal of Medical Sciences of FYROM), MEDICUS Vol- XV (1)

12. Correlation between the etiology, clinical probability and D-dimer in patients with pulmonary thromboembolism confirmed by Angio-CT. Poster-presentation – First author. October 2011. European Journal of Internal Medicine 22(1) DOI: 10.1016/S0953-6205(11)60278-1

13. Dear colleagues: D-dimer is not always necessary – Reduce the cost of your hospitals! Poster-presentation – First- author. European Respiratory Journal 2012, Vol 40 Issue Suppl 56: P3880

14. Tracheobronchopatia osteocondroplastika. An analysis of 10 years. Poster – presentation – Co-author. European Respiratory Journal 2012, Vol 40 Issue supply 56: P594

15. Biomarkers in community acquired pneumonia (CAP). Poster presentation –Co-author. European Respiratory Journal 2012: Vol 40 Issue Suppl 56 P569

16. The role and application of physiotherapy in pulmonary pathologies. First-author. Conference of the Albanian Physiotherapy Society, 2012.

17. Factors that exclude non small lung cancer from surgery. Co-author. “Lung Cancer”. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS), December, 2012.

18. The effectiveness of bronchoscopy biopsy in pathologic pulmonary tumours. Original study – Co-author. Conference of the Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS), February 2013.

19. A six month study of pulmonary cancer in Albanian women. Clinical study – First author. ISRN Preventive Medicine Volume 2013, Article ID 824670, http://dx.doi.org/10.5402/2013/824670

20. A case of nickel allergy syndrome with extra cutaneous symptoms. Poster presentation- Case report – Co-author. EAACI (Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology), June 2013.

21. A pleural sarcoma in a 28 year old female. A case report presentation – First author. ”Pleural Diseases”, Conference of KRISTAL University, 2013, Albania.

22. Metastatic renal carcinoma to the thyroid gland with 18 f-fdg uptake in the thyroid lodge after total thyroidectomy. A case report presentation – Co-author. International congress of biomedical sciences. Albania, 2013.

23. Primary giant mediastinal liposarcoma: Two case reports . Poster –presentation – Co-author. European Respiratory Journal 2013: Vol 42 Issue Suppl 57, P2944;

24. How effective was bronchoscopic biopsy during 2011 in Albania? Poster-presentation – Co-author. European Respiratory Journal 2013: Vol 42 Issue Suppl 57: P2905

25. A young female from Kosovo with pleural sarcoma. A case report- poster presentation- first author. Congress of the Austrian Society of Pneumology (ASP) 2013, Vienna, Austria.

26. “Clubbing” fingers localized only in the lower extremities and IPF. A case report – first author. 6th Congress of National Pneumology. Kosovo 2014

27. CPFE a new phenotype. A review – first author. 6th Congress of National Pneumology. Kosovo 2014

28. An unusual case of IPF. A case report. Presentation- first author. 22th Conference of the Albanian Medical-Surgery Science, November 2014. Albania

29. Short term impact of air pollution on asthma and COPD in Tirana during 1 year period. Poster presentation- Co- author. European Respiratory Journal 2015 46: PA3415; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2015.PA3415

30. Acute effects of outdoor air pollution on asthmatic patients in Tirana. Poster presentation – Co-author. WONCA (World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians, the European Regional Branch). October 2015. Turkey.

31. Short term impact of air pollution exposure in chronic respiratory diseases in Albania. Poster presentation- Co-author. 10th Asia/Oceania Congress (IAGG) 2015. Thailand

32. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis combined with emphysema; a new syndrome. A review. First author. (International Journal of Medical Sciences of FYROM), Medicus 2015, Vol. 20 (2): 175 – 180.

33. Urban air pollution and chronic respiratory diseases in Albania. Poster Presentation – Co-author. 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN HEALTH CARE, June 2015. Athens, Greece.

34. CPFE. A retrospective study in 20 cases. Clinical study-first author. 7th Conference of International Medical Specialties, 2015. Albania

35. What are the clinical pathological findings of lung cancer in Albanian population? Original study – Co-author. 27th European Congress of Pathology, 2015. Serbia

36. 10 cases with CPFE (Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema). Poster presentation – first author. The Albanian Conference of Surgery Sciences, 2015. Albania

37. Tuberculosis associates with both airflow obstruction and low lung function: BOLD results. Original article – Co-author. European Respiratory Journal 2015 46: 1104-1112; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02325-2014

38. The epidemiological situation of lung cancer and active screening. Original study – Co-author. 7th National Congress of Pneumology, November 2015, Albania

39. The approach ARS & ATS and GOLD. Co-author. “COPD 2015” 7th National Congress of Pneumology, November 2015, Albania

40. The Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients. Review article – Co-author. The Albanian Journal of Medical Health Sciences (AJMHS Volume 46, Issue 2, August 2015)

41. Lung Cancer in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome patients. Clinical study – first author. 3rd European/Asian Society of Surgical Oncology (EUASSO), October 2016. The Gulf Journal of Oncology: Supplement, January 2017. WINNER OF THE 3RD AWARD of E-Poster Presentations.

42. Clinical Characteristics in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome (CPFE) vs Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Patients. Original study – First author. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v5i7/v5i7.php, Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016, 26 – 28

43. Prevalence and burden of chronic bronchitis symptoms: results from the BOLD study. Original article-Co-author. European Respiratory Journal 2017 50: 1700621; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00621-2017

44. Unemployment in chronic airflow obstruction around the world: results from the BOLD study. Original article-Co-author. European Respiratory Journal 2017 50: 1700499; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00499-2017

45. What is the Role of Complications and Comorbidities in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome? Clinical article – First author Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies (Anglisticum). March, 2017 Vol 6, No 3

46. The impact of comorbidities in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome. Poster presentation – first author. 9th International Congress of Internal Medicine. March 2017 Athens, Greece.

47. Complications and Comorbidities in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome. Presentation- first author. “International Conference of Medical and Surgery Sciences”, 2017. Albanian University, Tirana, Albania

48. Lung Function in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome, What to Expect. Research article-first author. International journal of Pulmonary and Respiratory Sciences (IJOPRS). Volume 2 Issue 1 -July 2017 DOI: 10.19080/IJOPRS.2017.02.555578

49. Lung cancer in Albanian women. Clinical study, first author. International Medical Congress in Albania (IMCA November 2018) Tirana, Albania.

50.Thromboembolic complications in SARS CoV -2 infectons. Conference of Infection Diseases. American Hospital .January ,2021, Tirana, Albania

51. “Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) as a Complication of Diabetes and Obesity,” EASD Seminar, Prague, Czech Republic

52.”Updates in Paediatric Pulmonology,” OMI Seminars of American Austrian Foundation (AAF), Salzburg, Austria

53.”The Prevalence of COPD in Albania,” International Project of Burden of Lung Diseases Initiative (BOLD Study)

54.”Updates in Pulmonology,” HERMMES Summer School, European Respiratory Society (ERS), Barcelona, Spain

55.”Training in the Laboratory of Pulmonary Functional Tests,” Cerrahpasa University Hospital, Istanbul Medical School, Turkey

56.”Spirometry,” BOLD Training, London, United Kingdom

Frequent participations in several national and European congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops and summer school during 2007 – 2018 period, such as ERS, ARS, BOLD Study activities.


European Respiratory Society (ERS)

Albanian Respiratory Society (ARS)

Albanian Medical Order

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