Liver transplant successfully realized in the American Hospital
The American Hospital, the first and the biggest health institution in Albania continues successfully the realization of the transplants, wh...
The American Hospital, the first and the biggest health institution in Albania continues successfully the realization of the transplants, wh...
The Albanian Football Federation and the American Hospital in Tirana have made official today in the premises of AFF their 10 year collabora...
American Hospital opened its doors to foreign patients, who choose to receive specialized medical services and trust the professional team o...
The American Hospital in Tirana has successfully a very delicate surgery of the aorta. For the first time, the aortic aneurysm is a disease ...
The newest, most ambitious investment in the private health service in Albania. 22 March 2011 This building, completely new, with an area o...
The American Hospital in Fier opened its doors. More than 200 representatives of high institutions, diplomatic corps, local government and m...
Two sisters from Has, Rediana and Suada Mullaj, respectively 10 and 7 years old, born of deaf-mute parents, underwent an eye surgery in the ...
The Eye Centre at the American Hospital, Last Word Technology The only ophthalmologic center in Albania that offers the latest technology se...
06 April 2012 THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL IN KOSOVO OPENS ITS DOORS Founded in 2006, the American Hospital marked the first cornerstone of the pri...